The Therapeutic Advantages Of Scrapbooking


I never tend to hide the fact that I was – and still am – a scrapbooking enthusiast. Some of my old friends used to say, “Stop doing that. It’s an immature move, and boys won’t like you once they find out about it.” Others merely thought that I need to focus on more adult-approved hobbies, such as bar hopping or partying.

For sure, I know they are making an excellent point. Those folks want me to “act my age” so that the guys I meet the first time won’t think they’ll turn into cradle-snatchers by hanging out with someone who loves scrapbooks. But the thing is, how can I let go of a hobby that is therapeutic in various ways?

Here are the advantages of scrapbooking, just in case you wish to try it as well.




  1. The Activity Makes A Fun Stress-Reliever

Believe it or not, a lot of health professionals recommend the art of scrapbooking to their clients to get rid of their anxiety. It is true as well with the elderlies and cancer patients who have much more issues to handle mentally and physically on a daily basis than a regular individual.

The reason I notice is that the hobby allows you to stop thinking about worrying stuff and concentrate on the craft. That results in a stress-free mind, of course.

Every time new photographs are added another piece of our lives is given a place of permanence. We are reminded of what we once looked like, the kind of lives we led. — Arthur Dobrin D.S.W.

  1. Your Social Skills Can Develop Through It

This activity is undoubtedly not a solo thing. Unless you’re working on your selfies, it’s OK to bust out some paper scraps and ask your officemates or family members to make a scrapbook with you. FYI, not all adults will think it’s weird for a fully-grown woman (or man) to enjoy this pastime. The fair ones may see you as a very sentimental person.


  1. You Can Look Back At Your Achievements

The purpose of scrapbooking is to become a better version of photo albums that you can effortlessly buy at the store and forget about after a couple of years. With each personalized portfolio, you may have an ongoing theme, such as your childhood or college memories. It’s also highly acceptable to scroll down a few quotes, statements or dates so that you’ll be able to remember the special events that happened when you took those pictures.

In the same way that we enjoy listening to our music on shuffle, for example, and find it almost impossible to tickle ourselves, our autobiographical memories are never so powerful as when they sneak up on us unawares. — Hal McDonald Ph.D.



  1. The Creative Juices Can Run Wild And Free

Letting your creativity to take over you the entire time you’re working on a scrapbook is an absolute necessity. You can free-hand everything too and add more designs and colors as you go. Especially to folks who feel as if they’re living in a controlled environment, it is a great benefit.


  1. It Improves Your Memory

The art is undeniably excellent for your brain health as well. Though you’ll only be able to hold on to your recollection for as long as possible, it won’t be so challenging once you have constant reminders of your past in the form of scrapbooks.

The scrapbooks have given us a vehicle for remembrance and emotional connection particularly important for a family that often did not know how to express its feelings. — Helen Davey Ph.D.



  1. Seeing Your Finished Work Will Boost Your Mood

When it comes to scrapbooking, you won’t merely slap on random pictures or texts on the papers. Some even go as far as collecting loose sheets and binding them on their own to achieve the full experience. Thus, you can’t help but admire the end-product and get a lasting sense of happiness sweep throughout your body.