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Benefits Of Listening To Music While On Quarantine

Music is a big part of life. It is an art that helps us in most ways. You listen to music almost every day, whether intentionally or unintentionally. You hear the sound of music everywhere we go from streets, movie theaters, gas stations, and even grocery stores. Most times, you love to listen to it in the comfort of your solitude that makes you sing along to it. But music doesn’t only exist for entertainment. Scientifically, it has a substantial effect on the mind and body. It can alter mood, reduce stress, trigger the release of hormones, stimulate the immune system, influence heart rate, and many more. But the best part of listening to music is its ability to strengthen the emotional and mental aspect of your wellbeing, especially while on home quarantine.


Improves SleepRelaxing music is beneficial because it lulls the body to sleep. It triggers changes essential for sleep to occur. It helps fine-tunes the body and allows it to reach a resting state. It also slows down the heart rate and promotes better breathing. It also reduces blood pressure and triggers significant psychosomatic changes by putting the body into a physical and psychological relaxed state.

Enhances Focus – Listening to music improves concentration and productivity. Most times, it assists you in completing a tedious task. It helps you concentrate and prevents you from losing focus on the work you have at hand. Just note that music intended for productivity should not be too loud as it may distract you from working instead of concentrating.


Boosts Creativity – Happy and lively music allows the brain to come up with creative and efficient solutions. That is because music lessens the pressure on the brain and puts it in a calm state. But of course, the music you choose may have a different effect on others. But generally, music promotes positive energy.

Increases Stamina – Music is always present in gyms if in case you didn’t notice. It is quite common to hear music while exercising. And the pretty good reason for that is that music helps in boosting energy levels and stamina. It stimulates the brain to appreciate the fun part of exercising. It somehow distracts you from thinking about the physical pain you gain from the intensity of a workout.


Enhances Mood – Music can switch your mood. It is the perfect cure when you feel down and want your environment to send positive energy. It stimulates your brain by releasing dopamine and suppresses the release of cortisol. Honestly, it doesn’t matter what kind of music you should listen to as long as you enjoy the song. It will still create the same effects of giving you a healthy surge of “feel-good” hormones.

Reduces Stress And Anxiety – In a pandemic time like this, music can reduce stress and anxiety. It affects your emotions by releasing endorphins and chemicals in the brain. The inexpensive nature and availability of music make it an accessible option for stress management. But depending on a person, the effects of music may vary, and there is no clear-cut list of relaxing music that fits a person. Thus it is essential to discover what music suits you.


Relieves Pain – Believe it or not, music can affect you physically. It impacts the areas of the brain by disrupting the thought pattern and altering how it reacts to pain. Music somehow relieves physical discomfort by slowing down your heart rate and provides you with relaxed muscles.  It also reduces physical tension, especially on your joints, back, neck, and legs.

Improves Memory – Music promotes better memory with the help of rhythm, beat, and language. It has been useful in treating people with memory loss since it creates musical nostalgia. It also assists the aging brain and fights mental health problems as well. These include Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Why Art Is The Best Pastime

I am a forgetful person in general, even if I just turned 28 last week. I often leave things where they aren’t supposed to go; it takes me a while to remember where they have ended up. But one thing that I might never forget is the 2018 Body and Mind Conference, where I learned that art is the best pastime.

Here’s why.


Thinking Is Optional

Flexing your artistic muscles is ideal when your brain is swimming in dizzying thoughts. Once you pick an art medium, you can switch off your critical self and let your creativity speak for you. The activity may help take a load off your chest, even if the art only makes sense in your eyes.

You Are Not Confined To A Specific Medium

When you become an artist, you will realize that your imagination limits creativity, not the art medium. It seems very elegant to use pastels or watercolors or paintbrushes on a blank canvas, yes, but the latter is not the only thing that can hold your masterpieces. Over the years, we have seen free-spirited artists paint on walls, clothes, and even shoes. You may try any of that, too, until you find your favorite medium.


You Can Showcase Your Artworks Afterward

The best part of turning art into one of your pastimes is that you have an output to show to the world. For instance, it can be a painting, a T-shirt design, a mural, etc. Some hobbyists end up getting contacted by curators and gallery owners; others manage to sell their artwork. If either doesn’t happen, it feels terrific to display your creations at home, too.

Final Thoughts

The folks who have not tried art to pass the time may think that it is too time-consuming or too complicated for them. I feel you—I have also had similar thoughts for years. However, you won’t know how good art can be for your body and mind unless you give it a shot.

Good luck!

Art Therapy In The Time Of Covid-19

Do you want to know how art visual therapy can help you deal with stress in your current situation? Many of us have been experiencing the effects of isolation and anxiety during the COVID 19 pandemic time. Some have even been separated from loved ones and are now living alone. We haven’t had opportunities to meet up with our friends and family. Most are even working at home.

With loneliness taking its toll on our mental health, finding healthy mental and emotional ways of coping and support seems necessary for everyone. Keep reading this article until the end to learn more about how this particular treatment works and how exciting creative and art therapy in the time of Covid-19 can be. It’s not as daunting as it sounds!

creating art through painting in canvas

Many think that craft-making is challenging in general. Many assume that you have to be objectively good at something to be able to enjoy doing it. However, there is no right or wrong way to express your creativity. This is why many have turned to the benefits of creativity during the pandemic even more than computer technology. Are you interested in more information on how to harness and use your creative skills as a coping mechanism during stressful situations?

Doing Art Therapy During Covid-19

Creative Arts, Art Making, or Creative Arts Therapy As Ways To Cope With Mental Health Challenges

Some are afraid to try their hand at creativity because they believe they are unable to possess the skills and talent needed to complete it. Some individuals think that they don’t see themselves indulging in creative arts, or simply being creative, just enough to come up with a new idea. While others feel unmotivated because their families don’t send support for their interests, or their loved ones do not give them the space to explore this form of coping for their stress or anxiety. Somehow, this is a normal reaction since most people stop creating in their school days.

Though art is somewhat related to creative skills, you do not need to have a lot of confidence to try it. Honestly, there is no close perfection in this area. As long as you express your thoughts and feelings in a creative way, that is already an accomplishment.

Art Therapy For Healing Emotions During COVID-19

It is about the process of making and creating something rather than the project itself. In this disheartening state of the world, due to the coronavirus issue, people need to find an outlet.

Moreover, it has been a valuable tool during the pandemic. According to the impact report of internet search results, people of all ages have been impacted by the virus, which has drastically changed daily life. The pandemic has created two invisible enemies: the virus itself and the mental health struggles that have arisen from prolonged isolation and fear.

Creating provides an abstract outlet for individuals to express their emotions and process their experiences. By engaging in creative activities, individuals can improve their mental health and life span. The Newberg campus of education has also incorporated art therapy into its curriculum, providing students with a unique way to follow directions and address the challenges brought on by the pandemic.

Healing a mental illness by undergoing a creative process through the guidance of professionals or art therapists is one of the best and most practical mental health care practices you can do while following home quarantine restrictions and public health measures.

What People Have Turned To For Healing (Surviving Through Hardships)

According to the American Art Therapy Association (AATA), engaging in creative activities is a healing modality that has been proven effective and therapeutic for many. It can benefit individuals who intend to bring physical, emotional, and mental care through the help of professionals, for example, an art therapist.

It facilitates a creative way to allow clients – adults, adolescents, and children – to respond to their environment. Frankly, it is more effective in helping overcome mental health challenges as a wonderful self-care activity.

But note that art therapy is not an instructional hobby or activity-making class that teaches people. Instead, it is a free-will process of making something out of nothing to support individuals and shield them from unmitigated stress, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness and isolation, or negative emotions. If you want to add an art therapy class to discover a new language to express yourself, you may start by creating a visual arts psycinfo database record. But start by opening this up to your family members. Life would be easier this way!

George Fox University has an art therapy program that has many therapists available to help. You may check their website to find, copy and download wonderful ideas to create art therapy projects for you and your children.



Creative Counseling Services

Recovering And Finding Peace Through Craft

According to World Health Organization, mental health recovery through art encourages people to experiment and play with creative craft-making materials and resources. You can choose from colored pencils, markers, pens, a variety of fabrics and papers, clay, watercolor paint, collages, and many more. As for the finished product, there is no interpretation of the result involved. Thus, there is nothing to worry about when it comes to the  results of your creation.

The fight against COVID-19 has prompted many articles to review the effectiveness of art therapy in combating the spread of the virus. These articles include citation and data from numerous authors who have studied the impact of art therapy on mental health during periods of isolation and stress. The cited research provides clear directions on how to implement effective art therapy techniques for those impacted by the pandemic. Through the use of creative self-expression, individuals can find a valuable outlet for their emotions while fighting the spread of the virus.

The whole thing you make depends on how you see your finished product. Therefore, it is you who finds meaning in what you have created. And since it is healing and beneficial, it helps explore a variety of mental health issues like trauma that you may be dealing with during this current pandemic situation and express it the way you understand.



Art Therapy In The Time Of Covid-19

How Creative Activities Engage With Mental State

Craft-making engages with an individual’s mental health by transcending words and triggers in many different pathways of the brain and its subconscious. That is one reason why when you make something, you find a different understanding of your experience.

Creating art makes you think more about yourself in terms of what you can do, understand, and realize. Art increases self-awareness and self-discovery, especially when you reach out to art therapy practitioners. art therapy can be a tool to help examine thoughts and emotions that are somehow too difficult to put into words – such as the language of stress.

People decide to engage in art therapy for a lot of reasons. Some people use art to provide an outlet to cool off incredible boredom in life. Art therapy decreases stress and lifts your mood. Art therapy is an excellent way to create mental transformation. And since art therapy is proven to reduce sad symptoms of emotional, isolation and mental health problems, art therapy supports mental health recovery and positive coping skills.



Takeaway And Last Notes On How Clients Can Create To Heal

This COVID-19 situation is clearly out of hand. It destroys your mental and emotional stability like you never imagined it would. However, art is one of the best medicine that can help you regain your sense of control. So if you still do not find art therapy interesting, you might want to reconsider. Use this time to get to know craft-making or art creation. Art therapy is highly beneficial. It can be a way of coping.


How Can Creative Activities Help People With Mental Health Problems?

How Is Creating Art Used As An Effective Coping Technique?

What Is The Importance Of Creativity When Dealing With Mental Health Issues?

Does Using Creativity As A Coping Tool Have An Impact On Our Overall Well-Being?

Why Is Creativity Important To One’s Mental Health?

Why Is It A Good Idea To Use Creative Activities During Counseling?

How Does Creating Creatives Improve Our Lives?

What Are The Positive Effects Of Art On People?

Is Art Therapy Good For People Who Struggle With Mental Illness?

What Is The Purpose Of Creating Art?

What Is Art Therapy?

Is art therapy Effective?

What Are The Main Benefits Of Using art Activities As Therapy?


How Can Pensioners Live Productively?


I loved my newly retired parents so much that I got us tickets for the 2017 Pensioners Conference. They had never attended such an event; they did not even know that there was even a mass gathering for pension recipients like them.

Despite the initial hesitance to go, though, Mom and Dad enjoyed their time at the conference. The organizers invited a few people in various industries to talk about what retirees could do with their free time.

Some of the activities that will allow you to live productively are:

Grow Your Food
One of the first things that you can try is to grow your own food. Whether you are a carnivore, herbivore, or omnivore, it is not too challenging to raise chickens or pigs, plant vegetables, or do both. Doing so ensures you about the food items’ ‘diets’ and prevents you from turning into a couch potato.


Travel The World
In case your work always got in the way of your dreams of traveling the world, now is the best time to fulfill it. Take out a map or globe, close your eyes, and point to any country that you should visit if you feel adventurous. Should you have destinations in mind already, start planning to make it happen.

Help Less Fortunate People
Considering you have more than enough cash lying around, why don’t you help less fortunate folks? You can start by giving free food to homeless people in your town. Then, you may pick an orphanage and donate money for the orphans. If a natural calamity has taken place, you are welcome to send relief goods to the disaster-stricken families.

Final Thoughts
When all you have done in the last 30 or 35 years is going to your work, it is understandable to feel lost now that you no longer need to do that. Relaxing at home is fantastic, but it can get old pretty fast. In reality, doing nothing all of a sudden may even weaken you.
To stay productive after retirement, therefore, you can do any or all of the tasks mentioned above.

Interesting Scrapbooking Ideas To Commemorate Your Relationship 

What is the best gift for your anniversary? Flowers, chocolate, books? Well, why not a scrapbook! You can do many things in a scrapbook. Not only can you document the great moments of your relationships, but you can also make this scrapbook with your partner.  If you would like to make one, here are some creative scrapbook ideas for you to try!  



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Children’s Counseling Benefits

Are mental health interventions helpful for all children? What are the benefits of putting your kids in pediatric counseling services? Children’s therapy could be vital for patients going through developmental crises, and one technique incorporated is scrapbooking. Why would having scrapbooking skills be relevant in pediatric counseling?


Therapeutic Scrapbooking For Pediatric Counseling

Aside from parent-child interaction therapy, narrative counseling is considered a type of pediatric counseling.

Narrative counseling is created to help children or pediatric patients identify skills and values to efficiently brave through the countless difficulties faced.

Counseling for pediatric patients may be used as a form of mental health treatment and aims to help pediatric patients and their parents rewrite a new, fully functional narrative regarding patients through a thorough investigation of past qualities, including their mental health conditions (anxiety, depression, OCD, etc.) or mental health issues or disorders if they have any.

Counseling for pediatrics also encompasses pediatric counselors assessing children’s physical health, emotional health, problem behaviors, social interaction skills, and pediatric development as part of their child counseling services and applied behavior analysis.

They can do therapy for children (including cognitive behavioral therapy) and create a treatment plan aimed at helping children improve their well-being and help parents learn how to appropriately support their kids in confronting challenges in their daily lives.

Counseling for pediatric patients is confidential and it involves identifying and diagnosing any mental illness (autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity ADHD, anxiety disorders) that children may have. Working with children and adolescents require cognitive behavioral treatment.

The utilization of narrative for such counseling workshops is usually with pediatric patients or children ages 9 to 12 years old.

Narrative Treatment – A Type Of Pediatric Counseling

Scrapbooking is combined with the fundamental principles of narrative therapy to support the child with an entertaining and friendly treatment program, which could help the pediatric patient find new outlooks and coping mechanisms, alleviate mental health issues, and foster positive relationships.

Pediatric counselors, along with LCSW and other therapists of the mental health team, are tasked with reaching out to kids and children adolescents who seek counseling when it is difficult for them to accept and face emotional disorders or other challenges.

The support that they get from the treatment plan and from pediatric counseling as a whole truly makes all the difference. Working with children’s mental health is a process.

Art Therapy Is Recommended By Pediatric Counselors

Counseling for Pediatrics involves several areas, including art therapy.

Art therapy is utilized often in counseling sessions to help pediatric patients listen and understand better.

Art therapy is recommended by pediatric counseling experts to help improve a child’s behavior or improve a mental health crisis such as depression, bipolar disorder, or anxiety disorder, among others.

Of course, it would help if kids exercise daily, go to regular therapy (behavioral therapy) or counseling, and spend quality time with their parents.


Scrapbooking For Mental Health

The aspects of scrapbooking have been transformed into an intervention that is being used by caregivers and parents of pediatric cancer patients.

The primary purpose of the counseling for pediatric groups to include art therapy for these children and adolescents in Psychology is to promote encouragement and mobilize internal strengths which thereby enhance the providers’ coping abilities, benefiting the pediatric patients.


Mental health professionals like pediatric counselors or mental health professionals may also be able to address the issues of these children and adolescents better when they can identify warning signs of self-harm, depression, emotional disorders, stress, suicidal ideation, etc.

The mental health concerns of these children are tremendously at stake.

Facilitators like social workers as well as pediatric counselors provide a secure and comfortable environment for children and adolescents to verbalize stories and also share their distress, and concerns, and probably ask questions in the counseling or therapy sessions.

Previous psychological research has demonstrated that the mere presence of loved ones — a partner, their families, peers, or friends — in children can help reduce one’s subjective experience of physical pain (for instance, during a medical procedure), versus experiencing similar pain while alone. — John M. Grohol, Psy.D.


1. Scrapbooking Relaxes The Mind

Pediatric patients who experience mental health challenges could significantly benefit from scrapbooking as a part of play therapy for its mind-relaxing effects. The play therapy processes work like magic in helping me get through with health care.

Pediatric patients and adolescents who are hustling with their schools, education, extracurricular activities, and social lives (even college students) could find it hard to pause or slow down.


Experts ensure that this form of play therapy enables children to develop their skills, improve their behavior, and alleviate depression, stress, or anxiety.

Children, teens, and adolescents can truly benefit from pediatric counseling and therapy.

2. Scrapbooking Increases Self-esteem

Children, teens, and adolescents have the most vulnerable self-esteem when anxious.

They can quickly experience stress, depression, and anxiety and feel low regard for themselves.


Extensive experience in scrapbooking is a useful tool in counseling and therapy to regain a positive sense of self through the development of art skills that promote self-expression.

Realizing that beautiful things can be accomplished and can emerge into positive results, children will increase their level of self-esteem and continue to improve their mental health.

Eventually, their behavior may ultimately improve.

Why bring in photos? It’s a revealing record of old family dynamics. It helps counselors know the characters of your life. — Ryan Howes Ph.D., ABPP

3. Scrapbooking Consoles In Moments Of Grief

Children, teens, and adolescents find it difficult to process loss.

Those who have experienced or are currently going through grief can find comfort in scrapbooking as part of pediatric counseling, especially during their bereavement.


Scrapbooking conveniently incorporates different forms of play therapy interventions related to art in a simplified, concrete setup and is applied to a young child who has anxiety, stress, and depression and is in the process of overcoming trauma and grief that is related to the death of a parent.

Children and teens with autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, behavioral issues, and other disorders can greatly benefit from scrapbooking therapy as well.

Every art has an important role to play in our society, especially when it comes to children, kids, or adolescent who is undergoing pediatric counseling.


Developing scrapbooking skills is just one of the parts of the counseling processes that pediatricians and mental health professionals may significantly consider.

Counseling For Pediatrics is definitely beneficial for the improvement of children’s mental health.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How Will You Know That Your Child Needs Pediatric Counseling?

  2. How will you know that your child needs pediatric counseling?
  3. What happens in pediatric counseling?
  4. Why would children need counseling?
  5. What is a child therapist called?
  6. What are some signs your child might need counseling?
  7. At what age can a child have counseling?
  8. What are the duties of a child counselor?
  9. How do I get Counseling for my child?
  10. What type of therapy is best for kids?
  11. What is the importance of child counseling?
  12. What are the benefits of child counseling?
  13. What common issues can be found in child counseling?
  14. What are helping activities in counseling?
  15. What does anxiety disorder look like in a child?

How Psychiatry Uses Music for Mental Health




Music is interpreted in a lot of ways and is used in magnanimous occasions for different reasons; no wonder psychiatry is also utilizing music as a therapeutic modality for mental illness.

…the experience that happens when you listen to a piece of music is like a snowflake—each one is it’s own unique phenomenon. Even if you listen to the same piece by the same performer, you and the performer come into the experience having “lived life” and maybe even learned something. — Kimberly Sena Moore Ph.D.

But what does it mean when somebody utters “music therapy?” If you belong to the majority who find music as a vital element of life, then you would undoubtedly know that music can affect mood and emotions. Psychiatry has found a way to incorporate the art of music into psychological healing, especially for those who are anxious, depressed, or traumatized.


Music Therapy Sessions


During music therapy sessions, there are a couple of elements incorporated, such as listening to relaxing music, songwriting, and creating music. The goal of the music therapist depends on the condition of the patient. Some of these goals are:


  • Encourage expression of feelings to relieve anxiety or stress
  • Improve the person’s mood
  • Enhance patient’s coping mechanism to better his quality of life


And the best part is, patients need not be musical geniuses nor do they need to have some background in music to benefit from the therapy.




Music Therapy Advantages


Music therapy includes passive methods that technically involve listening, active approaches that include singing or operating an instrument, or a combination of techniques that are connected with music.

When I listen to heavy metal, I feel the essential part of myself that responds to a strong beat. Even on the coldest northeastern days, certain bands conjure the feeling of the warm desert where I grew up. — Alena Gerst, LCSW, RYT

Music therapy has developed so much over the years that it is currently one of the most favored treatment techniques used not only for mental health issues but also for patients who have cancer and disabled individuals. To elaborate further, below is a list of music therapy benefits.


  • Reduces anxiety and depression
  • Helps manage stress
  • Improves communication and relationship with others
  • Enhances memory through brain stimulation
  • Strengthens social skills
  • Keeps emotions at bay
  • Enhances coordination and movement
  • Helps deal with pain, either emotional or physical
  • Reduces fear
  • Improves immunity


Music Therapy For Teens


Teenagers are considered as one of the most stressed individuals of this generation. With all the things that they should balance – family, school, friends, social media, and a part-time job – teens, are becoming more and more worried and overwhelmed. Because of all of the responsibilities that teenagers have to fulfill, they are becoming more vulnerable to stress, and what’s worse is not knowing how to cope. Often, unhealthy coping strategies lead to anxiety and depression.


Music therapy is a non-invasive experience that helps teenagers in a way that therapists can easily integrate music into their daily lives mainly because the majority of teenagers listen to music. Therapists consider music therapy for teens to provoke a more relaxing and mindful experience while encouraging emotional absolution and reducing melancholia. Children these days are fond of self-expression which is why music therapy is a prime choice for therapists.



Use headphones or earbuds if that helps you focus or shut out external noise. Give yourself permission to only listen to the music, without simultaneously checking your email or refreshing your Facebook feed. — Maya Benattar, MA, MT-BC, LCAT

Music Therapy Is For Everyone


Probably one of the primary reasons why music therapy has become increasingly popular, especially for children and adolescents is because of its approach, stimulating the part of the brain that invokes creativity.


Music therapy strongly enhances cognitive functioning for self-awareness, alleviation of negative thoughts and feelings, encouraging healthy communication, and supports self-expression. However, the effectiveness of this kind of therapy dramatically depends on the response of the patient. Still, one cannot deny that music therapy is one of the most relevant and engaging forms of psychiatric treatments that everyone can avail.


Telltale Signs That You Are A Natural Artist

Santa was an original Bohemian, you might say. He was well known in his community as a toy designer and artist who crafted a variety of toys including wooden horses, paper kites, ceramic dolls, stuffed animals and one of-a-kind puppets. — Barbara ‘Basia’ Mosinski, LCAT, ATR-BC, MA, MFA

Of all the ideas I can remember from a psychology class I once took in college out of a whim, I can vividly call to mind the debate about nurture vs. nature. With the former, somebody’s skill isn’t innate in him or her – a lot of practice and education allowed the person to be good at what he or she does. As for the latter, people say you’re born with a particular talent, and you can roll smoothly even without proper training.

I believe the principle applies to everyone’s artistic abilities too. It’s effortless to expect individuals who have an actual Fine Arts degree to get super creative. But then again, there are also adults who surprise others and themselves after painting, writing, or drawing for the first time and realizing they may have a future with it.

Considering you have doubts about whether you are a natural artist or not, check out a few telltale signs below.




You Love Spontaneity

Gaining the liberty to do what you want and learning from it is the essential part of life, right off the bat. You are a free spirit; that’s why it may be difficult for you to handle a regular job at the office, doing the same tasks for days on end.


You Despise Competition

Although you are aware of your capabilities, you let others go above the ranks than contend with colleagues to obtain the top spot. It isn’t that you think they’re better than you; it’s just that you know how special you are with or without that kind of affirmation.


Publicizing Your Work May Make You Uneasy

Do you have artistic pieces at home that even the people closest to you can’t see? Such a lack of confidence is usual for creative minds, especially if your family and friends always thought of you as a mathematical or scientific individual.


You Sometimes Judge Yourself Too Hard

Whereas others only think of themselves as the best at whatever they try, you feel the need to critique every move you make. In a few instances, you may go overboard with the judgments, despite everybody else saying that your output is excellent. But that’s because you’re confident that you can do better most of the time.

Your creativity looks different than another person’s and it will manifest itself differently for you depending on your age, environment, and stages of development we go through (that is to say that your creativity will be differently expressed when you are 5 years old versus when you are 40). —

The Craft Serves As Your Comfort Zone

Regardless of what job you manage to hold on to, your stress goes away as soon as you play some music, hold a paintbrush, or feel the weight of a pen between your fingers. That is much better than any drug or alcohol, for sure.


You Feel Sensitive Towards Others

Not having a hard time to create an emotional connection with colleagues or strangers is another sign that you are a natural artist. You may have a conversation together for less than an hour, yet you immediately understand all of their emotions, including the ones they don’t say outright. Often, you can also draw inspiration from them and use their experiences as the subject of your artwork.




Freedom Of Expression Is A Big Deal To You

Expressing your thoughts and feelings matters to you more than any material thing in the world. It gives you the energy to live life without inhibitions and avoid existing for money or other people.

There are many ways to make money from your art that you may not have considered, and a combination of income sources is ideal. It’s hard for many creative types to shift into a business mindset but it’s worth the effort to be able to fulfill a dream. — Susan K Perry Ph.D.

The Therapeutic Advantages Of Scrapbooking


I never tend to hide the fact that I was – and still am – a scrapbooking enthusiast. Some of my old friends used to say, “Stop doing that. It’s an immature move, and boys won’t like you once they find out about it.” Others merely thought that I need to focus on more adult-approved hobbies, such as bar hopping or partying.

For sure, I know they are making an excellent point. Those folks want me to “act my age” so that the guys I meet the first time won’t think they’ll turn into cradle-snatchers by hanging out with someone who loves scrapbooks. But the thing is, how can I let go of a hobby that is therapeutic in various ways?

Here are the advantages of scrapbooking, just in case you wish to try it as well.




  1. The Activity Makes A Fun Stress-Reliever

Believe it or not, a lot of health professionals recommend the art of scrapbooking to their clients to get rid of their anxiety. It is true as well with the elderlies and cancer patients who have much more issues to handle mentally and physically on a daily basis than a regular individual.

The reason I notice is that the hobby allows you to stop thinking about worrying stuff and concentrate on the craft. That results in a stress-free mind, of course.

Every time new photographs are added another piece of our lives is given a place of permanence. We are reminded of what we once looked like, the kind of lives we led. — Arthur Dobrin D.S.W.

  1. Your Social Skills Can Develop Through It

This activity is undoubtedly not a solo thing. Unless you’re working on your selfies, it’s OK to bust out some paper scraps and ask your officemates or family members to make a scrapbook with you. FYI, not all adults will think it’s weird for a fully-grown woman (or man) to enjoy this pastime. The fair ones may see you as a very sentimental person.


  1. You Can Look Back At Your Achievements

The purpose of scrapbooking is to become a better version of photo albums that you can effortlessly buy at the store and forget about after a couple of years. With each personalized portfolio, you may have an ongoing theme, such as your childhood or college memories. It’s also highly acceptable to scroll down a few quotes, statements or dates so that you’ll be able to remember the special events that happened when you took those pictures.

In the same way that we enjoy listening to our music on shuffle, for example, and find it almost impossible to tickle ourselves, our autobiographical memories are never so powerful as when they sneak up on us unawares. — Hal McDonald Ph.D.



  1. The Creative Juices Can Run Wild And Free

Letting your creativity to take over you the entire time you’re working on a scrapbook is an absolute necessity. You can free-hand everything too and add more designs and colors as you go. Especially to folks who feel as if they’re living in a controlled environment, it is a great benefit.


  1. It Improves Your Memory

The art is undeniably excellent for your brain health as well. Though you’ll only be able to hold on to your recollection for as long as possible, it won’t be so challenging once you have constant reminders of your past in the form of scrapbooks.

The scrapbooks have given us a vehicle for remembrance and emotional connection particularly important for a family that often did not know how to express its feelings. — Helen Davey Ph.D.



  1. Seeing Your Finished Work Will Boost Your Mood

When it comes to scrapbooking, you won’t merely slap on random pictures or texts on the papers. Some even go as far as collecting loose sheets and binding them on their own to achieve the full experience. Thus, you can’t help but admire the end-product and get a lasting sense of happiness sweep throughout your body.